ayurveda’s building blocks

The three doshas


Ayurveda, a system of personalized lifestyle medicine, empowers individuals to lead healthier lives encompassing the realms of mind, body, and spirit. It's characterized by its tailored approach, as there's no universal solution. Instead, each person's path to holistic well-being is unique.

This uniqueness is rooted in Ayurveda's focus on individual qualities and how they interact with various aspects of life, including diet, exercise, and experiences. Ayurveda classifies individuals based on their dosha type, with three main energies: Vata (associated with space and air), Pitta (related to fire and water), and Kapha (representing water and earth). The combination and proportion of these doshas differ from person to person, offering insights into their physical and mental traits.

Doshas remain relatively stable from birth (prakruti) but can be influenced by lifestyle and experiences (vikruti). Prakruti signifies one's inherent dosha balance at the moment of creation, while vikruti indicates the state of doshas after conception.

Knowing your dosha type can guide you towards optimal natural health. Everyone possesses a unique mind-body constitution expressed as their prakruti, with Vata, Pitta, or Kapha dominance, each reflecting specific physical, emotional, and mental characteristics. While all three doshas are present in everyone, the proportions vary, defining individual dosha types.

You can begin exploring your dosha type through a self-assessment quiz, but for an accurate evaluation, consulting an Ayurvedic practitioner is recommended. Understanding your dosha type provides insights into balancing these energies for improved well-being.